Saturday, November 28, 2009

I have a topic in mind for my research paper

Should gay couples be given a fair chance to adopt a foster child in need of a loving home due to there sexuality? I believe no one should pass judgement when it comes down to adopting as long as the couple can offer so many great things to a child. I mean if you think about it we are living in a world were a majority of children are being raised by a single parent or no parents at all. Who are we to point fingers and say that a child's health physically or mentally are at stake due to the sexuality of the parents. How many children wish they had two loving parent whether they be gay or straight. Sad to say everyone is so worried about pointing fingers and discriminating and when in reality they should be considering what great opportunities a loving blue, gay, straight, old, or young couple can provide for a foster child when love and dedication is involved. So I believe my topic is original and everyone can learn a little bit about this so contradicting topic many are against.


  1. Hey there! I don't feel there should really be any harm in adopting babies to gays or lesbians, it would be up the the adopting agency. I know there are many many babies out there that need a loving home. I really haven't thought much about it. But since a lot of states don't recognize gay marriages, I wouldn't know how the adoption agency would feel about it either. Personally I wouldn't mind either way, it would be the choice of the couple and I would wish them well.

  2. Hello Michelle,

    I do not understand objections to rejecting gay couples as adoptive parents because they are gay. They should undergo the very same process as straight heterosexual couples. It is a mystery to me why some people object.
